‘I get butterflies in my tummy’ – Workshop designing with creativity in the primary school
Workshop by Prof. Clare Benson, director of the Centre for Research and Curriculum Development in Primary Technology at Birmingham City University, UK (English spoken).

Clare Benson
The quote is from a child aged 9 years when asked about how he felt when he was designing. He was excited but also nervous. Would he come up with ideas? Would they be suitable? What would others think of them? He said he would have to take risks – there were no real right or wrong answers and that was scary.
The workshop will include:
- A brief overview about the latest English Design and Technology National Curriculum focusing on the designing element.
- Key findings of a large scale project with a focus on developing creativity through designing.
- Key elements identified in teaching for creativity.
Practical activities will be undertaken during the workshop to support the key messages highlighted in the presentation.
About Clare Benson
Professor Clare Benson is director of the Centre for Research and Curriculum Development in Primary Technology at Birmingham City University and convenor of the biennial International primary Design and Technology conference. Read more
Praktische informatie
- Woensdag 7 mei 2014 van 14.00-16.00 uur
- Locatie: Science Centre TU Delft, Collegezaal (Mijnbouwplein 120)
- Deelname is gratis. (nb het aanmeldformulier is een standaard formulier. Hierop staat vermeld dat u een factuur ontvangt, maar dat is in dit geval niet zo)
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